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Hybrid Hazelnut Consortium

The Hybrid Hazelnut Consortium is committed to creating a leading research and breeding program to develop hazelnuts as a widely adapted, high-yielding, and low-input sustainable crop that is competitive with annual crops for food, feed, or bioenergy.

The consortium is comprised of four organizations dedicated to this goal: the Arbor Day Foundation, Oregon State University, Rutgers University, and the Nebraska Forest Service/University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

New Grant to Expand Research

The consortium has received $3.1 million from the USDA to continue its work on developing next-generation hybrids that can expand commercial hazelnut production in the U.S.

Find Out More

Consortium Overview

Learn more about the consortium members and what we’re working to accomplish.

Potential of Hazelnuts

Read more on the potential of hazelnuts for our health, the environment, energy, and wildlife.

Food, Feed & Bioenergy

Find out how and why we are developing hazelnuts for food, feed, and bioenergy.

Sustainable Agriculture

Learn how hybrid hazelnuts can address pressing issues facing today’s farmers.

Expansion of Hazelnuts

See where hybrid hazelnuts will soon be able to grow as a sustainable crop.


Follow the path of the research conducted by consortium members.

How You Can Help

Get involved in our hybrid hazelnut efforts by planting our hybrids or looking for wild plants.

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